用ModAssist..看好多人还自己下载复制曲谱那么原始的方法,发个直接用 Assistant/ModAssistant 的方法吧。1. 首先去beat saver找到喜欢的歌, 然后点歌名进去(新版的为什么不在首页放按钮
用ModAssist..看好多人还自己下载复制曲谱那么原始的方法,发个直接用 Assistant/ModAssistant 的方法吧。1. 首先去beat saver找到喜欢的歌, 然后点歌名进去(新版的为什么不在首页放按钮
ModAssistant是Beat Saber的简单PC mod安装程序,使用BeatMods的mod。 Beat Saber是一款流行的VR节奏游戏,玩家必须大幅降低节奏,然后才能飞向生动的音乐节奏。 ModAssistant具有许多出色的功能,例如依赖关系解析,mod卸载和复杂的主题引擎。 它具有浅色,深色,BSMG和浅粉红色主题,甚至可以具有您自己的自定义主题! 通过自定义...
Mod Assistant uses mods from BeatMods and shows whatever is available for download. If you need to install a mod manually, please refer to the Beat Saber Modding Group Wiki. I hit install but now my game won't launch, I can't click any buttons, I only see a black screen, etc Please...
and you should be able to run the modded version of beatsaber without issue 4 几年前 Seth Hey guys, go to the request page and upvote my post so we can get the v16 update :)http://disq.us/p/2hcr3ap 4 几年前 AleemPlayz Why does mod assistant show the game version as 1.13....
included in this version is a file called mod assistant you need to set mod assistant to version 1.13.4 in the version tab once you accept the license agreement and select mods and then update only saber factory thats it nothing else if you update anything else the game will atuo lock ...
Please visit theBeat Saber Modding Group#pc-helpchannels. Check the pinned messages or ask for help and see if you can work things out. Credits ModAssistant by Assistant:https://github.com/Assistant/ModAssistant BSIPA-Linux by geefr:https://github.com/geefr/BSIPA-Linux ...
mod assist..下载了mod assistant,想要自定义一下光剑的样式,没想到打开之后里面找不到custom sabers,也找不到saber factory,和网上的教程完全不一样,有没有大佬帮忙解答一下,拜谢
求助mod ass..steam 1.29.1测试版使用mod assistant显示无法获取游戏版本,已经按照解答的步骤多次尝试降级重装,也把带saber的文件都删干净了,但还是不行