Made with United Mapping Mode 必ずしもボムと壁が必要になるわけではない by BigSlick
Gameplay: Original: ホロウ (Hollow)/ シユイ(Shiyui) (Prod by 須田景凪) アニメ『魔王2099』OP 一応テックです~
1 player PS5 Version PlayStation VR2 required PS VR2 Sense controllers required VR play styles: standing, roomscale View All Online Music Not Rated by the ESRB, Visit for rating informationWhat is Beat Saber? Get your whole body moving in this rhythm-driven musical experience...
6 非常感谢各位来看我的演出 设备:VR: HTC VIVE VIVE Tracker x3 Full body tracking Software: VirtualMotionCapture LIV 游戏 音游 自制谱 新人 OSU 音乐游戏 音游 演示 psvr 节奏光剑 BEAT SABER bilibili新星计划 战斗吧_欧特咪AlterMeVR发消息 全身追踪up主~每周五20:00直播 ...
“即将发布的更新将引入46种新的节拍地图,包括新的360°地图和新的One Sabre地图,这些都是从《Beat Saber》中最受欢迎的一些曲目摘录的,为玩家提供了体验他们所爱音乐的新方法。”Facebook还表示,360度地图将以90度地图的形式出现在PSVR上。《Beat Saber》支持SteamVR头显、Rift、Quest和PSVR。由于追踪限制,...
Beat Saber, free and safe download. Beat Saber latest version: Slice up the music with this VR game. Beat Saber is a fun single-player VR rhythm video
Launched today as the latest shock drop followingHoudini by Eminem, Beat Saber's latest track is Kendrick Lamar's famous diss track released last May during his much publicized feud with Canadian rapper Drake. Following its recent appearance at the Super Bowl Halftime Show that Lamar headlined and...
GitHub repository for ChroMapper, the Unity-based map editor for Beat Saber. unityhacktoberfestmapeditorbeatsaber UpdatedJan 14, 2025 C# nicoco007/BeatSaberCustomAvatars Star267 Code Issues Pull requests Beat Saber mod that allows the use of custom player avatars for in-game body presence. ...
Beat Sage is an AI that creates free custom levels for Beat Saber. You can select a song from Youtube and our system will output a Beat Saber map that is matched with that song! Beat Sage is compatible with SteamVR, Oculus PC, and Oculus Quest versions o
编辑器editsaber,链接:下载BeatSaberEditor.7zBeatSaberEditor.exe这个就是你的编辑软件, 打开后会出现这样的界面:在这里输入你电脑里beat saber的路径 ,steam的话是类似这样的路径 SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber输入完路径后:这时候你就可以开始编辑了 送TA...