相信把Beat Saber mod的人都已经安装了SideQuest了 那么就在Oculus开机状态连接电脑,然后打开SideQuest,点击右上文件夹符号 然后进入BMBF Data(我忘了是不是这名字),进入Custom Songs 然后把你的谱面文件夹(不是zip!是文件夹!)拖进去左上角,就可以了 然后戴上你的Oculus,进入BMBF,点击Tools,点击Reload folders 然...
QuestSaberPatch A custom song patcher for Beat Saber on the Oculus Quest, written in C# and runnable cross-platform on macOS, Windows and Linux. It can successfully add custom songs to the Quest as well as create custom packs and saber colors with the advanced JSON interface. Based on disco...
有个取巧的小办法,选一首你专辑里面最有代表性的歌,直接用歌曲包里面的cover图片就可以了(歌曲的路径一般在beat aber\beatsaber_data\customlevels)。信息填好后记得保存哦!! beatlist专辑列表信息填写 填完信息点下如图所示的第三个小圆点,就来到了本地曲库列表,这个软件做了非常棒的可视化添加方式来添加歌曲!想...
Load, Create, Edit, Organize Playlists and Download their Songs in Beat Saber. Features View Playlists View songs View metadata such as title, author, description and cover image View suggested difficulties Edit Playlists Add custom songs and OST songs to playlists (along with specific difficulties)...
Beat Saber..已下载并解压SiraLocalizer这个MOD包进游戏根目录,进游戏设置可以看到有简体中文选项,选择中文并应用以后,游戏自动黑屏并回到主菜单,此时语言仍然是之前系统默认语言,求解。
Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music as they fly towards you, surrounded by a futuristic world. 最近评测: 特别好评(219) 全部评测: 好评如潮(67,852) 发行日期: 2019 年 5 月 21 日
Developer: Saber Interactive PurchaseView on AMAZON 29 OK K.O.! Let's Play Heroes 2018 6 votes Based on the popular animated series, OK K.O.! Let's Play Heroes brings the show's colorful world and quirky characters to life in an enjoyable beat 'em up adventure. Players take on the ...
Getting custom songs for Beat Saber on a Quest or Quest 2 is a multi-step process that is pretty complicated. To get everything up and running, you need to: Turn on developer mode: By turning on developer mode on your Quest, you open up the option to sideload apps and files. ...
Beat Saber is one of the most popular VR games you can also get custom songs on Beat Saber. However, this is not only a popular rhythm game for major games and songs with DLC but also the larger custom card community. Tools and Sites ...
Step 2: Back Up and Uninstall Beat Saber Unfortunately, you can’t add custom songs to Beat Saber while you’re on the current version. At the time of writing, version 1.17.x is the latest that works with custom songs, while 1.19 is the current release. If you’re on a newer version...