Meaning:If you beat around the bush, or beat about the bush, you don't say something directly, usually because you don't want to upset the person you're talking to.如果您使用beat around the bush 或 beat about the bush, 您不会直接表露什么,通常您是因为不想让与您交谈的人,感到伤心。F...
Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want. beat a retreat : to leave in haste beat it 1 : to hurry away : scram 2 : hurry, rush beat one's brains out : to try intently to resolve something difficult by thinking I beat my brains out trying to figure it ou...
“beat around the bush”是一个英语俚语,意思是“绕弯子”、“旁敲侧击”、“拐弯抹角”。这个短语通常用来形容某人说话或做事时,不直接、不明确地表达自己的意图或想法,而是采取迂回、含糊其辞的方式,让人感到困惑或不舒服。 例如,当一个人在面试中回答问题时,如果他总是绕来绕去,不直接回答问题,那么面试官...
VOA一分钟:Beat Around the Bush 夺分英语 2024-04-26 06:10 广东 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新意为:拐弯抹角 人划线
444 “Beat around the bush” 说话拐弯抹角,兜圈子。光绕着灌木丛敲打,就不直接切入主题#看美剧学英语 #日常口语 #生活英语 - 英语相关于20240224发布在抖音,已经收获了7.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
beat around the bush,旁敲侧击 #英语丰富多彩的习语# beat around the bush 原先指捕鸟的时候,有的人负责敲打灌木群来唤醒鸟,其他人负责捕捉,所以这个习语的寓意比较明显,可以意为“声东击西,旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角”,寓意:avoid talking about the main topic 避免谈论主要话题 not speaking directly or ...
#商务英语| “顾左右而言他”可以用的动词:beat around the bush, dodge the issue, dance around the topic #职场英语 #外企英语 #全英文会议 #英文邮件 - 密斯詹教英语于20240417发布在抖音,已经收获了14.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Meaning of “Beat around the bush” “Beat around the bush” is a saying used to refer to avoiding something. If you “beat around the bush,” you’re likely trying to get by without addressing a necessary topic. Alternatively, it can be applied more broadly to mean avoid doing something...
英语习语"beat around the bush"和"beat about the bush"均表示“拐弯抹角”、“旁敲侧击”或“说话绕圈子”的含义。这里的"beat"指的是"拍打",而"bush"指的是"灌木丛","around"和"about"都是"四周"的意思。据说在以前,英国贵族打猎时,会先派人进树林,用树枝敲打树,好让鸟类或小动物因...
beat around the bush 字面意思是:在灌木丛周围敲敲打打。 这个短语的来源是旧时英国贵族打猎时,会派人先进入树林,用树枝敲打树木和灌木丛,好让鸟类或小动物等因受惊而跑出。后引申出“拐弯抹角”、“旁敲侧击”或“说话兜圈子”的意思。 In English Explanation: If you beat around the bush, or beat abo...