Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger Caves of Narshe FF5 About Spoilers Game Version Current: GBA Switch to PSX Spoilers: Hidden Show Spoilers Guides Walkthrough Enemy Natures...
The Beastmaster is a job available to the nu mou in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. They control various monsters and use bells and other musical instruments in battle. The success rate for controlling a monster varies from monster to monster. A whip appe
the final battle with the Emerald Empress. She’s taken down all of his teammates. He’s the only one left. And little Quislet takes her on anyway, fighting alone and scoring some solid hits until she casually destroys his containment vessel, forcing him to return to his homeland. (Where...
June 24, 2016, 01:20:33 am#6Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 03:14:31 am by Emmy So Jumza pointed this thread out at me. I don't have the psp version of this hack, but if you are willing to mod psx version instead: Edit - Use Xif's instead. ...
The whole “Class Fantasy”2of Marksmen leans heavily on the concept of the Hunter being an expert shot, and not reliant on pets for the greater part of their abilities. Alleria is a good expample of this, as she has no pet. She, like many Marks Hunters at this time, has taken the...
Other possible candidates: WOLFHOUND, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN,PAN’S LABYRINTH. But I guess the fantasy movies don’t want to do a part 2 like that because of their precious trilogies. If they don’t got the balls we’ll have to settle for a sequel to a period piece. Try a BRAVEHEAR...