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The talk was about the wild beast mentioned in the Bible book of Revelation, the one with the number 666. 聚会中的演讲论及圣经启示录一书所说的野兽,它的数目是666。 jw2019 (Revelation 5:8; 14:2) The singers that John sees “come off victorious from the wild beast and from its im...
cattle- domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age; "so many head of cattle"; "wait till the cows come home"; "seven thin and ill-favored kine"- Bible; "a team of oxen" Bos taurus,cows,kine,oxen calf- young of domestic cattle ...
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Though the Beast's official age is not mentioned in the movie, it is strongly indicated by the narrator's statement that the rose "would bloom until his 21st year." As the rose has already begun to wilt by the time Belle arrives at the castle, it is very likely that the Beast is 20...
Every criteria mentioned in the Bible is met by this first antichrist beast power. The Bible also says that this beast would receive a deadly wound to its head after it has been in power for 1260 years. The pope took over Rome and rose to power in 538 A.D., 1260 years later in 179...
I have a friendly feeling towards pigs generally, and consider them the most intelligent of beasts, not excepting the elephant and the anthropoid ape—the dog is not to be mentioned in this connection. I also like his disposition and attitude towards all other creatures, especially man. He is...
when we examine the book of Revelation closely, we discover the highly significant detail that “the mark” isn’t the only thing to enter human heads. Three verses after the mark is first mentioned, John saw another group called the 144,000 having the “Father’s name writtenin their fore...
The gyre is one of Yeats' favourite motifs as mentioned earlier, the idea that history occurs in cycles, specifically cycles "twenty centuries" in length (Yeats, "The Second Coming" ln. 19). In this poem, Yeats predicts that the Christian era will soon give way apocalyptically to an era...
Revelation 13:2 These animals are mentioned in Dan 7:4-6, where the leopard represents Greece, the bear Medo-Persia, and the lion Babylon. Revelation 13:5 The last half of the Tribulation. Revelation 13:7 Lit given. Revelation 13:11 See note v 1. Revelation 13:18 Regardless of the ea...