then all I can say is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the Supreme Judge of the German people!
Gematria has been used primarily to divine meaning from terms and phrases in biblical texts. Often gematria interpretations largely hinge on biblical scholars working backward, starting with a name—often a world leader or biblical figure—written in Hebrew, adding up the value of its letters, and...
The concept of redemption is central to this phrase, with the Hebrew word "padah" meaning "to ransom" or "to buy back." In the case of the firstborn sons and unclean animals, a redemption price was to be paid instead of offering them directly. This practice points to the value and ...
Learn more in Craig Keener's Revelation online course.How to find the meaning behind the number 666Revelation 13:17–18 tells us that the mark “is the name of the beast or the number of its name. . . . Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is ...
When Israel came out of Egypt, there were שש מאות אלף (meaning 600,000) on foot (Numbers 11:21), and note that the word for thousand comes from the verb אלף ('alep), to learn, which also yielded the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet...
The outward form of the condemnation is made suitable to the shape which the tempter had assumed; but the true force and meaning, especially in the last and most intense portion of the sentence, belong, not to the animal, but to Satan himself. The serpent is but the type: diabolic ...
Regarding "him" the masculine gender is assigned to "beast" in Daniel, with "the false prophet" Muhammad, and "before him" meaning "in the presence of" the Islamic beast. "Them" the Muslims. Today's second Jihad is in the image of the First Islamic Jihad. Jihad is Islamic worship....
In her hand was a gold cup filled with the obscene and filthy things produced by her whoring. 5 On her forehead was written a name with a hidden meaning, BAVEL THE GREAT MOTHER OF WHORES AND OF THE EARTH’S OBSCENITIES 6 I saw the woman drunk from the blood of God’s people, ...
1. The meaning here is, that this power would seem to come up from the nether world. It would appear at one time to be extinct, but would revive again as if coming from the world over which Satan presides, and would, in its revived character, be such as might be expected from ...
The Mourner follows a jaded and embittered homicide detective on the trail of murderous sex traffickers, who discovers new spiritual meaning in her life when she comes across a mystical young man (Miller) whose calling in life is to mourn the dead who have no one else to mourn them. Tendo...