Best Races for Beast Mastery Hunter Overall, the choice is no contest. Orc gives you 5% more pet damage from Commandand Blood Furyas an excellent DPS cooldown. This combination quite simply perfect forBeast Mastery Hunters. If your goal is to give yourself the best advantage possible, go Orc...
Notable Talents The Beast Within - Reduces your mana cost, increases your damage done, and makes you CC immune to almost everything when popping bestial wrath Beast Mastery - Let's you spend more talent points on your pet, don't forget it when taking thi
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Beast Mastery Hunter in WotLK Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Pages in this Guide 1Introduction2Spell Summary3Builds, Talents, and Glyphs4Pets Guide5Rotation, Coold...
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to ourWotLK Classic Beast Mastery Hunter stat priority. Beast Mastery Hunter Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and AbilitiesStat PriorityGems, Enchants, and ConsumablesGear and Best in SlotMythic+ Guide...
Welcome to our PVE Beast Mastery Hunter guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play a Hunter as Beast Mastery.
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to ourWotLK Classic Beast Mastery Hunter rotation. Beast Mastery Hunter Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and AbilitiesStat PriorityGems, Enchants, and ConsumablesGear and Best in SlotMythic+ GuideNerub...
I wish this wasn’t necessary, but it is. Pet pathing and AI is still a huge issue for Beast Mastery (you’d think after 12 years they’d upgrade the pet AI). So if you every get the “no path available” error for Kill Command or your pet is just stuck up on a ledge somewher...
Talents This is the standard Beast Mastery build. A few of the points could be changed based on your raid setup. Beast Mastery Hunter Build Gems Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear. ...