@@ -908,7 +912,13 @@ function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetProfessionID() -- localized... local nameLoc, rank, maxRank = GetCraftDisplaySkillLine(); if not nameLoc then nameLoc = GetCraftSkillLine(1) end -- beast training if nameLoc then -- normal else -- beast training...
If you are having it very easy with a Ferocity pet, swap to a Cunning Pet for additional movement speed, but less pet survivability, and no Primal Rage. Ferocity pets also come with Primal Rage, which is a Bloodlust effect. Use this as often as possible when fighting for over thirty sec...
Mortal Strike from pets Lots of defensive options and cooldowns Support for team withRoar of Sacrifice,Master's Call, orInterlope Multiple control crowd options inIntimidation,Binding Shot,Freezing Trap,High Explosive Trap,Scatter Shot/Bursting ShotandEntrapment ...
Kalliope's Pantheon of Pets YouTube Edition Thanks to Serenith for the avatar and signature! Top Sasrei Grand Master Hunter Posts: 2077 Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:25 pm Realm: US - Icecrown, Nesinwary Gender: Chick Location: Some strange unknown world Re: BRAND NEW SPIRIT BEAST!! OW...
Optimize your rotation and cooldowns to maximize your damage and DPS as a Beast Mastery Hunter in WoW The War Within (11.0.7).
Mastery, through Mastery: Master of Beasts, increases the damage done by all the pets and creatures that you summon. This includes your main pet, Dire Beasts and more. Haste increases your attack speed and Focus regeneration, reduces your Global Cooldown from 1.5 seconds to a minimum of 0.750...
Beast Mastery Hunter Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and AbilitiesStat PriorityGems, Enchants, and ConsumablesGear and Best in SlotMythic+ GuideNerub-ar PalaceMacros and AddonsSpell List and GlossaryHow to ImproveFrequently Asked QuestionsWeakAurasSimulationsPets Gui...