The hand of the spiral is determined by noting whether the tooth curvature on the near face of the gear (Fig. 40) inclines to the left or right from the shaft axis. Direction of rotation is determined by viewing toward the gear or pinion apex. kwwiissee + ttphhpirrnuiunissoiPtoPt...
dientectht eonslyysttehme pduesshiginng, ftohreces.ilIincotnhebeseanmsoirs dreesqiugnir,etdheto be perpednedciocuuplalirntgo tohfefsoerncessorfprormobeotohedretdeicrtecotniolynsthaerepuaslhsoingcofnosricdee.rIend.thFeinsietne-seolermdensitgna,ntahlyesdisecwouaspling of forcceosnfdruocm...