BearSaver, Your first choice in quality Bear-Proof Commercial Containers. When you're looking for bear proof trash cans and bear proof food storage lockers, we are the nations #1 choice! We also produce a wide variety of trash cans and recycle bins to service many applications including advert...
more refined design with better curb appeal yet is the most effective when it comes to keeping bears and other animals out of your trash. Hence, an entire line of Bear Proof dumpsters, enclosures, garbage cans, food storage lockers and much more brought to you by the “Three Little Bears...
Throw away your trash and store food safely with bear proof products from Bear Guardian. Shop food storage, dumpsters, and trash cans., a sporadically updated website jointly operated by the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, offers bear information and anoverview map. Some parks have taken their own approaches to food-storage issues. Examples: Great Smoky Mountains National ...
Reduction of Human-Bear Conflicts:Increasingly melting ice forces polar bears to spend more time on land, escalating the chances of human-bear conflicts. Authorities in many regions have implemented measures to reduce such conflicts, like bear-proof food storage, early warning systems, and non-letha...
UDAP® Bear Spray deterrents Give yourself the piece of mind that you are prepared for any chance encounters with black, brown, silver, blonde or grizzly bears found in nature. Browse All Food Storage Containers We carry a selection of products that are designed to keep your food safe from...
Store food, garbage, barbecue grills, and other attractants in hard-sided vehicles or bear-proof food storage boxes. Report bear sightings and encounters to a park ranger immediately. Learn more aboutbear safety. “Spring visitors skiing, snowshoeing, or hiking in Yellowstone National Park a...
When camping outdoors, store bear attractants – such as food (both human and pet), garbage, recyclables, toiletries, and other smelly items – in a bear-safe manner, see whatWildSafeBCadvisesabout this. Utilize bear-proof food storage lockers when provided or bring your own bear-proof cont...
Store food, garbage, and other items in vehicles or in bear-proof containers.If these are unavailable, hang food and other items with strong smell in a strong bag as high as possible in a tree.1. What does the underlined word "cub" mean in Paragraph 1? A. A place where a bear ...
Our goal is to break the habit of bears associating people with food. We believe if you protect the people from the bear, you protect the bear from the people. Our product delivers lightweight, bear-resistant food storage that helps break this cycle. ...