链接:https://www.modland.net/beamng.drive-mods/trucks/man-tgx.html 原标题:BeamNG MAN TGS - Real Truck Mod UPDATE What's NEW - Simulator Adventures MAN TGX/TGS 最初由 MRcrash/RenAzuma66 制作,但早已被废弃,现已更新并略加完善 部分功能 - 添加了 GPS 和动画内饰部件 - 合并模型文件 - 完整...
BeamNG – MAN TGS/TGX Rework Truck MAN TGS/TGX Rework truck mod for BeamNG.Drive Good quality model, Good quality interior, PBR materials, Good physics, Animated dashboard, pedals, mudguards, Working navigator, Working lighting equipment, Working mirrors, Triggers in the cabin, Openable, Fu...
這是一個mod合集官論描述:Covet: press “T” to shoot the cannon.Roamer: press “T” to shoot the cannon.Truck: press “T” to shoot the missile.Pickup: "T", "G", "H", "Y" to shoot the missiles.網址:https://www.beamng.com/resources/javielucho-mad-mod.1395/ 4楼2017-08-26 ...
We give you the best BeamNG Mods in one place. Click on those blue words up there to get start using BeamNG.Drive Mods!
We give you the best BeamNG Mods in one place. Click on those blue words up there to get start using BeamNG.Drive Mods!
BeamNG – MAN TGS/TGX Rework Truck MAN TGS/TGX Rework truck mod for BeamNG.Drive Good quality model, Good quality interior, PBR materials, Good physics, Animated dashboard, pedals, mudguards, Working navigator, Working lighting equipment, Working mirrors, Triggers in the cabin, Openable, Fu...
【微电影】驾驶K-TRUCK小型轻卡与斯巴鲁WRX STI警车在日本山路追逐竞驶并进行漂移【beamng.drive车祸模拟器】 02:34 【微电影】日本大量警察追捕在夜晚聚集非法组队飙车的改装车【beamng.drive车祸模拟器】 03:23 【微电影】驾驶皇冠警车在东京首都高速公路追捕醉酒驾驶的丰田埃尔法商务车【beamng.drive车祸模拟器...
BeamLR is a persistent career BeamNG mod inspired by SLRR aiming to bring hardcore game mechanics to BeamNG such as external and mechanical damage persistence, money, paying for repairs, player health and injuries with fatal crashes resetting your save file, etc. The mod adds interaction to the...
因为是SUV的缘故全部的Roamer加速和操控性能都没有同底盘的D15出色,不过作为BNG现在唯一一个SUV玩一玩还是很有意思的,可惜的是改装件非常少,官论基本没有mod,大部分时间作为一个酱油,原版也没有很多供选择的车型,对新人来讲吸引力不高最后摸摸我们的Roamer竟然还没有Heavy Duty版本 15楼2016-07-20 20:45 回复...
BeamNG.drive offers dozens of refined, completely customizable vehicles to experiment with. Whether it’s a compact car or massive truck, players can tweak away at all the moving parts to create just about any driving experience desirable. Wheels, suspension, engines, and more; everything is un...