The core mod does not house the Lua coding the Gavril T-Series Expansion Pack uses and thus it has no impact on the core functionalities of the Gavril T-Series Expansion Pack. An update is coming soon. Yours sincerely, - the GTG Mods Team Just Timepass Version: Public 1.3.2b Can u...
没装核心mod吧---GTG COMMONS MOD,这个扩展包需要这个插件运行 4楼2023-01-27 08:10 收起回复 伟大就是6 吧主 12 你这一翻译本来能看得懂的看不懂了已经…… 来自Android客户端5楼2023-01-27 15:33 回复 逍遥败家仔 重返皮卡 11 Rear Rear Axle展开 有个Rear Rear Wheel换轮子 这个展开还有个Rear...