【奇葩模组】目前全网最高质量的日产GTR-R32车辆模组,附带独一无二的无损引擎声浪【beamng.drive车祸模拟器】 2689 0 02:25 App BEAMNG精致模组-2016款ETK1300 8379 2 11:37 App 【beambot】2022款VELA跑车(换标Hirochi CCF)车辆功能展示+真实驾驶体验【beamng.drive车祸模拟器】 2224 0 03:27 App BEAM...
深入评测全球最大第三方模组网站Modland上那些烂到极致的模组【beamng.drive车祸模拟器】 2.5万 152 08:03 App POV:当你从第三方网站下载beamng模组… 1.6万 6 00:36 App 偶遇Q弹丰田小车,笑点诡异强如怪物,拼尽全力无法绷住 5.9万 21 01:05:21 App 【1小时超长纯享版】十分解压的车辆悬挂测试大合集【...
ETK 本身无法翻译,欧大菜译作鄂托克,感觉不妥,鄂托克为内丨蒙丨古地名,根据“BMW-BEEMER-宝马”的翻译规律,将其扩充为无意义的单词YEETIEKA(字母读音稍加变动),再结合原意译为益科(原全称意思大致为有益于科技进步的汽车),或与宝马相对应,译为翼骓。ETK车型均为字母或数字,无法翻译,为:K系,I系,800系等。
800-Series is really fun to drive, especially drift. Can't say much about K-Series, not my favourite car, but still looks pretty interesting. Overall design is great, wheels are amazing, other tuning parts are good too, and colorable interior is just wow, something that these cars really...
Then, drive off! The system will kick in whenever you idle under specific conditions. The following logic determines how it functions:The system will consider your vehicle "idling" if there is no throttle input, the brake is pressed in, and the parking brake/handbrake is not applied for the...
ETK 1300-Series car mod for BeamNG.Drive Authors: OverPower 0 Bus October 30, 2019 BeamNG – Wentward DT35SE Bus V2.0 Wentward DT35SE bus mod for BeamNG.Drive Authors: Michaelflat 0 Cars October 30, 2019 BeamNG – Hirochi Sunburst Wagon V1.1 Hirochi Sunburst Wagon car mod for...
BeamNG – Lamborghini Centenario Lamborghini Centenario Car mod for BeamNG.Drive Authors:Gianpiero Game Version:BeamNG.Drive Test:This mod not tested.- File Details: 71.3 MB / Zip
BeamNG.drive:汽车悬挂欣赏,灵活的etk1300 #车祸模拟器 #etk1300系列 00:00 / 20:03 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞6 黑洞兄弟2年前BeamNG模组展示:公交篇(重制版) #beamng车祸模拟 00:00 / 40:44 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞114 黑洞兄弟2年前Beam NG:车辆展示(模组+自制) #beamng车祸模拟 #车辆展示 00...
9041 8 01:05 App ETK1300-史诗般的复兴!BeamNG模组 1.6万 16 09:25 App 越野野兽:史诗越野车比赛——BeamNG 5446 13 12:51 App BeamNG钉刺带连环撞击120 4213 1 11:44 App BeamNG钉刺带连环撞击125 2.8万 23 10:07 App 失控卡车碰撞8—BeamNG.drive 6.2万 165 18:37 App 疯狂卡车比赛——BeamNG...
1756 7 3:07 App 【BeamNG】ETK1300 系列碰撞测试 3537 -- 1:01 App 【BeamNG】BCAP 保时捷911(991) 碰撞测试 2626 1 1:01 App 【BeamNG】BCAP 吉普大切诺基 碰撞测试 2695 -- 1:01 App 【BeamNG】BCAP 阿尔法罗密欧 Giulia 碰撞测试 3693 1 1:01 App 【BeamNG】BCAP 斯柯达 速派(B5)碰撞测...