The thesis considers the analysis of two-span Continuous RCC and Pre-stressed (pre-tensioned & post- tensioned) beam of 6.0m each having cross-section of 200x300mm with M-40 grade of concrete manually in Ms- Excel and in software i.e. in STAAD. Pro. RCC Continuous beam has been ...
A design process for varying hole locations or sizes or both in an ion beam grid includes identifying a control grid to be modified; obtaining a change factor for the grid pattern; and using the change factor to generate a new grid pattern. The change factor is one or both of a hole lo...
Optical lithography excels with its high throughput [18], while electron beam lithography is capable of achieving remarkable resolution in tailored designs [19]. Both of them, however, exhibit several significant drawbacks: the unavoidable need for a resist, which needs to be exposed to the ...
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ExcellPeter S.GardinerJohn G.IEEE Transactions on Antennas & PropagationA new design of horizontally polarizedand dual-polarized uniplanar conical beam antennas forHIPERLAN. Neil J McEwan,Raed A Abd-Alhameed,Embarad M.Ibrahim,et al. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation . 2003...
CAD vendors excel in niches, abandon proprietary past. (computer-aided design vendors at International Fashion Fabrics Exhibition)Nannery, Matt
Design a multiple-choice quiz.(using Excel spreadsheets)Peers, Nick
Spreadsheets - Hands on - Best laid plans. Why waste time learning a dedicated interior design program when Excel can do the job?(Column)Wells, Stephen
Ingram, Cinde W
Strong material design is full of holes.Excell, Jon