More Jewelry Making Tutorials Stretchy beaded bracelets are the perfectbeginner jewelry-making project. It’s a quick, simple project that’s well-suited to novice crafters who want to get started with jewelry design. Beaded bracelets are a great addition to any jewelry wardrobe. They’re colorful...
Absolute Beginners Guide: Stringing Beaded Jewelry, the first book in the Absolute Beginners Guide series, is a comprehensive introduction to stringing. Presented in a warm, reassuring tone, this book provides easy-to-follow instructions designed for someone who is just learning the craft. Readers ...
If you're new to beading, starting with a simple bracelet project is a great way to build confidence. Below are three essential beginner tutorials to help you get started. 1. Basic Bead Stringing Tutorial This is the easiest method for making a beaded bracelet. Perfect for beginners! Material...