E. Moreno Recreation Beach Resort Ilocos Sur Shakey's Candon3.12公里 Inong's Yard Restaurant & Cafe3.17公里 Max's Restaurant6.23公里 Mang Inasal6.15公里 Francisca-Francisco's Place6.32公里 McDonald's7.14公里 Greenwich7.23公里 Inapuyan Restaurant7.31公里 ...
Luba Beach, Santa Lucia, Ilocos Sur, 坎東, 南伊羅戈斯, 菲律賓, 2727 很讚8.7 位置得分 住宿規定 兒童與加床收費標準 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。 歡迎兒童入住。 在不加床之情況下可免費與大人同住。
Luba Beach, Santa Lucia, Ilocos Sur, 坎東, 南伊羅戈斯, 菲律賓, 2727 很讚8.7 位置得分 住宿規定 兒童與加床收費標準 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。 歡迎兒童入住。 0至2歲(含)嬰幼兒 在不加床之情況下可免費與大人同住。 請直接向住宿洽詢嬰兒床事宜。 3至12歲(...
Batangas where Club Balai Isabel Resortclosely located is home to some of the best architectures ancient churches of the country. Batangas aside from Vigan City and Ilocos Sur has the best preserved colonial architectures says Club Balai Isabel Resortneighbors of beach resort in Batangas. In the Mu...
南伊罗戈斯 Ponce Del Mar海滩度假村酒店及餐厅 (Ponce Del Mar Beach Resort Hotel and Restaurant)酒店预订:在线即时确认,Agoda 南伊罗戈斯 Ponce Del Mar海滩度假村酒店及餐厅 (Ponce Del Mar Beach Resort Hotel and Restaurant)最低价格保证。 想要尽情体验维甘的精
Batangas aside from Vigan City and Ilocos Sur has the best preserved colonial architectures says The Alpa Hotel and Restaurant neighbors of beach resort in Batangas. In the Municipality of Taal is very evident when one visits Batangas. Though not as popular as the carving industry of Laguna, ...
Iglesia Ni Cristo - Lokal ng Candon City - Ilocos Sur6.71公里 Quinsoriano UMC6.37公里 Patpata 1st. Plaza1.83公里 Candon Sports Arena2.94公里 查看过的酒店仍未找到合适的酒店? 查看更多圣卢西亚的酒店 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾...
卡布高海滩度假村位于菲律宾南伊罗戈斯,是一家三星级酒店。酒店提供17间客房,于2005年建成,最近一次翻新为0年前。入住时间从下午2点开始,退房时间为中午12点。酒店距离机场约45分钟车程,距离市中心约1.8公里。对于2至12岁的儿童,酒店允许免费入住。 卡布高海滩度假村的休闲娱乐设施 ...
Pagudpud, then next is La Union, Laoag and then Ilocus Sur before Pagudpud (- bound to Pagudpud White Beach, Pagudpod Beach). The Patapat viaduct is about more than sixteen (16) kilometers from Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte. From Pagudpud (- bound to Pagudpud White Beach, Pagudpod ...
Batangas where El Madero Farm & Resortclosely located is home to some of the best architectures ancient churches of the country. Batangas aside from Vigan City and Ilocos Sur has the best preserved colonial architectures says El Madero Farm & Resortneighbors of beach resort in Batangas. In the ...