Be what u wanna be 歌词《Be What you Wanna Be》 瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar doctor actorlawyeror a singer 医生演员律师或歌唱家 why not president be a dreamer 为什么不是总统做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 police manfire fighteror a post ...
Be what you wanna be Dancing on the shards I found pain I found The feeling of awake Isn't it serene How we can behave Our paisley brains Numb inside the daze Can't we be Can't you be Be what you want to be You can live Find your reality Be what you wanna...
Be What you Wanna Be瑞典歌手Darin Zanyardoctor actor lawyer or a singer医生演员律师或歌唱家why not president be a dreamer为什么不是总统 做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man fire fighter or a post man警察消防员或者邮递员why not somet...
Be What you Wanna Be 歌词(带中文翻译)Be What you Wanna Be 瑞典歌脚Darin Zanyar达林·赞俗之阳早格格创做 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医死,演员,状师大概歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?干一个有幻念的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 您不妨成为所有一...
Be What you Wanna Be瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar达林·赞雅doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人policeman, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员...
that's what does really matter 这才是问题所在 luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物质 thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活 i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰 make sure that you won't stop 确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直...
《Be What You Wanna Be》原唱:Darin Zanyar 词曲:伏名 歌词:doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 policeman, fire ...