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Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 Microsoft Copilot Copilot in Windows Microsoft 365 Windows 11 apps Microsoft Store Account profile Download Center Microsoft Store support Returns Order tracking Certified Refurbished Microsoft Store Promise Flexible Payments Education Microsoft in education Devices ...
Check out brett.cesllp's Logo design contest… The Brief Industry Real Estate & Mortgage Design inspiration The Brief Design inspiration The Brief About us We specialize in private lending and brokerage services, providing tailored real estate loan solutions for property investors and developers. ...
Poor storage design Another cause of slow storage I/O is the poor health of physical storage devices...For example, running vmstat 5 3 will display the below 3 real-time statistics, each after a Number of data blocks sent to a device We ca...
('a', href=True): + real_link = link['href'] + if not any(s in real_link for s in exclude) and match in real_link: + found_links.append(real_link) + r = len(found_links) + if r == 0: + self.lbl1.setText("No results found") + else: + self.lbl1.setText("Found...
第二份工作去了上海,虽然换了一个城市,中间也是几乎无缝衔接,也都是在私募地产行业(Private Equity Real Estate, “PERE”)做投资。\r\n\r\n\r\n上海刚入职不久,同事帮我庆生。\r\n\r\n我的这次裸辞,并不是常见的那种因为工作而积压的个人情绪或不顺心,一气之下提的。并且我做完这个决定,离职也已经...
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } location / { ... } So when the webpage makes a request:, the actual request address is:, whi...
or data scientist. And of course, let us know what you think. Today we focused on the core experience of Microsoft Fabric. There’s so much more to cover from enterprise scale, real-time analytics, to pure querying performance and much more that we’re going to need...
It's a prototype for a logo. BUT, EVERY SINGLE "TUTORIAL" VIDEO on YouTube has FALSE information, but lots of upvotes, on how to remove the white background to make it transparent background. I select the background using magic wand tool... I pre...
🙂 the only suggestions I can think of are the “real footer colors” and to be able to set the “footer link colors” without having to do it in CSS. Ability to make the header with logo on a transparent background (not a fixed menu, centered,...