More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 13 Unusually Long English Words 9 Superb Owl Words 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
The meaning of BEQUEST is the act of giving or leaving something by will : the act of bequeathing. How to use bequest in a sentence.
Task 1 To insure means to protect against a loss of money.Most people can budget(预算)their money so that their income will cover expected expenses such as food,clothing,housing,and public services.But,there is no way to know in advance who will suffe
In the long run, however, we hope to achieve a situation of stable profit.On a shoestri ng生活拮据In a thrifty mann er; with costs or spe nding dow n to a bare mini mumExample: She lives on a shoestri ng she gets a tiny pension and has to budget verytightly.Lose track of失去...
Its timing this year of course forced back due to Covid restrictions from its usual slot of the late May bank holiday weekend meaning that revellers, myself included, didn’t have a day of recovery before heading back to the office, be it home or otherwise. This year also saw a change...
be voted 美 英 na.被公认为 网络推选的 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 被公认为
airline, type of aircraft, and even ticket class—meaning that suitcase you brought onboard for one flight might be gate-checkedon another depending on the size or the carry-on weight limit. Before your next trip, use this guide to make sure your bag will fit in the overhead compartment....
Example:Thegrocerystoreismakingalossrightnow.Inthelongrun,however,wehopetoachieveasituationofstableprofit. Onashoestring生活拮据 Inathriftymanner;withcostsorspendingdowntoabareminimum Example:Shelivesonashoestring–shegetsatinypensionandhastobudgetverytightly. ...
Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case to the Florida court because of what it called a “novel” issue — how to determine the meaning of the word “riot” in the law. “The proper interpretation of the statutory definition is a novel issue of state law that the Florida Supreme Cou...
Quassel IRC - Distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. (Source Code) GPL-2.0 C++ Robust IRC - RobustIRC is IRC without netsplits. Distributed IRC server, based on RobustSession protocol. (Source Code) BSD-3-Clause ...