もしくは I am going to call your number. どちらも自然ですか? Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like _mayu 2018年8月20日 英语(美国) @saya_candy その文なら、「will」の方が絶対に自然な気がします。多分客さんと店員の硬い関係ですから、硬い表現を使うでしょう。ふーん、さらに、...
In addition, studying online is much more convenient than physically going to a classroom. Most of my current classmate travel approximately two hours every day to the college where we study. This is valuable time that they could be using for studying, working, or simply ...
2 - 4 sentences で各質問に答える アイデアや実際の意見ではなく、言語に focus する Procedure 1: まず ID をチェックされ、そこから part1 のテストが始まる 2: 試験官が "Now, I am going to ask you a few general questions" と言う 3: 試験官は異なる...
I have one more question if you don’t mind. Does どうやって apply to 生きていけ or 言うつもりですか? In other words, is that phrase something like “how do I live?” or “how are you going to tell me to live?” (どうやって生きていく vs どうやって言うつもりですか)@Aqw...
日本語の「敬語」を学ぶために役に立つ本やサイト、教材等をご存じの方がいたら教えていただけないでしょうか。友人は丁寧な「お」をつける単語の選び方やルール、尊敬語・謙譲語を使う場面等で悩んでいました。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。Hello! I have a friend who is learning ...
I thought it would be used when you want to end a conversation quickly because it's too much trouble, or when you want to go on to the next thing because the conversation is not going anywhere. What do you think? possumbirdie
aswipe down and steer hard to Handbrake 180 .make sure you're going fast! 下来重击和操舵到手煞车180 .make sure您快速地艰苦去![translate] aand I also used to take __ trips 并且我也曾经采取_ _旅行[translate] aAll cables are installed based on regulations standards 安装所有缆绳根据章程标准...
If it was 使った本, the speaker had the book before buying it. That's weird.The sentence means "Yesterday I went to buy a book that I (will) use in class."You can also say "クラスで使う(予定の)本を、きのう買いに行きました。"The...
gun violence"アメリカはたくさんの問題ありませす。問題のひとつは銃の暴力”"Last year I went to Japan, which is my favourite country"去年日本に行きました。日本は一番好きな国だ 去年、私の一番好きな国の日本にいった そのコンマの前の名詞についてもっといいたいときに使う形です。"...
(32:37) but while working on the "BE" album I thought there should be a keyword and I wanted to try tailoring the melody, mood and lyrics of the song to match that keyword so I've been thinking that it'd be nice to work with new methods going forward That's a great mindset -Th...