参考文献: [1]Selina Ancheta, Mary Carter Carter Denny, Mary Elizabeth Dunn, et al. Comparison of FAST and BE-FAST Performance Among the General Public. ISC 2025. [2]Stroke warning sign acronyms drive 911 calls, F...
2021年7月,中国卒中学会正式发布了识别卒中早期症状的“BE FAST口诀”,前5个字母各代表一个早期症状,最后1个字母则提醒,一旦发现卒中症状,要马上拨打急救电话立刻就医: “B”(Balance)指平衡,平衡或协调能力丧失,突然行走困难;“E”(Eyes)指眼睛,突发的视力变化,视物困难;“F”(Face)指面部,面部...
红手环志愿活动新闻报道(含长期坚持立足基层一线的红手环志愿服务先进典型个人的感人事迹)投稿 邮箱:csa.red@chinastroke.net 联系人:姜犁 联系电话:010-57986270 扫码关注我们
脑卒中(cerebral stroke),也被称为“中风”,是当今我国最主要的致残和致死疾病。它给家庭和社会带来了巨大的负担,因此我们必须高度重视。脑卒中是由于大脑血管突然破裂或阻塞,导致大脑组织受损的一组疾病,包括缺血性脑卒中(脑梗塞)和出血性卒中(脑出血)。缺血性脑卒中发病率高于出血性卒中,占总数的60%至70%。
ensuring timely medical attention and reducing the risk of severe complications.BE FASTstands for Balance, Eyes, Face, Arms, Speech, and Time. Each component represents key indicators of a potential stroke:Balance:Sudden loss of balance or coordination can be a sign of a stroke. If you or som...
可以用“BEFAST”轻易记住中风的警示症状 “B”——Balance是指平衡,平衡或协调能力丧失,突然出现行走困难; “E”——Eyes是指眼睛,突发的视力变化,视物困难; “F”——Face是指面部,面部不对称,口角歪斜; “A”——Arms是指手臂,手臂突然无力感或麻木感,通常是出现在身体一侧; ...
Compared to nonstroke patients (n = 200), stroke patients (n = 159) more often scored positive on each of the five elements of the BEFAST scale (p = 1 for both scales. At this threshold, the positive predictive value (PPV) was 0.49 for the BEFAST and 0.53 for the FAST scale, ...
The Chinese Stroke Society issued the following "BE FAST formula" for identifying early symptoms of stroke: "B"-Balance refers to the balance, the loss of balance or coordination, and sudden difficulty in walking; "E"-Eyes refers to the eyes, sudden changes in vision, difficulty INseeing obj...
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