be connected to造句有: 1.The computer needs to be connected to the internet to access online resources. 2.Can you help me get the printer to be connected to my laptop? 3.The new building will be connected to the main campus by a covered walkway. 4.The train station is conveniently ...
20、I was amazed at how I couldbe connected tothe world even in this small town.(我很惊讶,身处这样一个小镇,我居然能和世界联系在一起。) 21、It seemed to him that this had tobe connected tothe continued high level of unemployment.(在他看来,这与持续的失业率高企有着必然的联系。) 22、B...
be connected to单语例句 1. He went to work alone and didn't come home, his phone couldn't beconnected. 2. China launched " the giant panda ecological corridor " in 1987 to plant bamboo forests among the giant panda habitats so they will beconnected. 3. It was the third structure conn...
比如,设备连接到互联网,人与社交网络的连接,或者两个想法之间的联系。 造句例句: 英文:My computer is connected to the Wi-Fi network. 中文:我的电脑连接到了无线网络。 英文:The bridge is connected to the mainland by a long causeway. 中文:这座桥通过一条长堤与大陆相连。 英文:He feels strongly con...
3. I always considered your brother to be connected with that club.我原来总认为你兄弟和那个俱乐部有关系 4.I am only here for six weeks before I return home,but I feel so proud to be connected in some small way with Qin Shihuang's great army.我这次来只呆了六个星期就要回去...
英文:His success is linked to his hard work. 中文:这个疾病可能与遗传因素有关。英文:This disease may be linked to genetic factors. 英文同义表达: be connected to:与……相连/相关联,强调事物之间的直接联系。例句:The company's success is closely connected to i...
These appliances should not be connected to power supplies.这些电器不应该接通电源。
2be connected with造句 1、It's a place where people can thrive and be connected with each other. 我们这里只是一个让人们可以成长、相互联系的场所。 2、What makes you suppose him to be connected with them? 什么使你想到他和他们有联系?
七级,用be connected to 造句 解答 可以造句如下:The keyboard was connected to my computer.
At some point in the distant future, either we stay on the earth and die with it, or we leave and move to another planet. There won't be any other choice. 1.What is special about the home of the future?A.It will be connected to each other more closely.B.It will be a large ...