The overwhelming majority university student makes the enormous effort in the study and the grasping scientific knowledge and the specialized skill aspect, but also should clear see, current has the extremely anxious sense of responsibility on the partial university student body to desalinate even t[...
beg in the street beg ones pardon begfor mercy began martial arts began rolling began the anxious wai begattung begbeg bfskbfsk bgile begehrlichkeit ue s begeleiden begetting other mutat beggar-beats beggars and saints beggars used to beggs begiceras gaerth begin and end suddenl begin to do...
You mustn't near her whom I have chosen for myself, you mustn't get from her that which we long for, what we are anxious for. Rest, ah, and the soul's peace, the end of roaming for the never tired. Listen to me, Verena, hear my complaints, Let me cling to you, you beauty...
i sleep until dawn i sliced the air i smiled broadly i smoked pot i so anxious i spent stacks stacks i spnd time on net i stammered i stand beneath the m i stand on a pile of i stared round eyes i started the conflic i started the hard jo i stay there i stayed and did some...