Pastor Dean, as folks around baseball know him, is the leader of Calling for Christ, a nonprofit ministry that for the past 11 years has tried to ease the anguish of major league and minor league umpires by keeping them close to God. Esskew is 48 and enormous, with a booming, s...
Umpires find baseball can be heartless.Miller, Jeff
According to, though it’s a subject of much controversy within the sport, electronic strike zones could soon actually find their place on a baseball diamond. “With technology, there is always some noise or uncertainty, but our system is accurate to less than an inch,” said Ryan ...
A collaborative solution:Professional tennis could be an example for baseball to follow. Rather than firing all the umpires, it has decided to embrace human-software collaboration, giving the final word to the“Hawk-Eye” programon disputed in-or-out rulings. The program is quick and accurate,...
Dusty Dellinger knows how difficult it is to be an umpire. “There’s an old saying that they expect you to be perfect from day one and get better,” the former Major League Baseball official said over the phone. As the director of Minor League Baseball Umpire Development and the Minor ...
Without question, there was a lot of baseball in Lawrence last month. More than 30 baseball teams – some coming from as far away as Arkansas City – were in
Major League Baseball has heard pleas from fans for years to move away from their reliance on umpires calling balls and strikes behind the plate and using modern technology for an automated strike zone. It appears the electronic ball-strike system being implemented is now just around the corner...
Union head Tony Clark claims Major League Baseball’s rules changes would have gone more smoothly during spring training if player thoughts had been incorporated.
LL: This reminds me of when I played baseball as a kid. Every once in a while a parent would get upset with the umpire and make a big stink. LH: 这不仅是你小时候打棒球的情况,现在也是那样。美国家长特别重视孩子的体育活动,有比赛必到现场,为孩子打气。觉得不公平还会对裁判大喊大叫。 我父...
Umpiring baseball can be a great way to stay involved in the game well after your playing days are done. I know this to be true as I have now umpired for 13 years at all levels from little league up through the varsity season. I have found umpiring to be enjoyable and I continue to...