PSA BDP delivers innovative and sustainable cargo solutions for global supply chains. PSA BDP is a member of PSA Group, a leading port and terminal operator.
中文 English 2024-11更新 企业注册号: 23862 成立日期: 1972-05-05 企查查编码: QUS54JVRN7 办公地址: 14th Floor, 510 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, US-PA, US, 19106-3690 基本信息 企业注册号 23862 企业名称 BDP INTERNATIONAL, INC. 企业状态 ...
国际分类 第39类-运输贮藏 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 6239458 申请日期 2007-08-24 申请人名称(中文) BDP国际公司;BDPINTERNATIONAL,INC. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国宾夕法尼亚州19106费城胡桃木街510号;510 WALNUT STREET,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19106,U.S.A. 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公...
Enter BDP International Tracking number in below online tracking form to track and trace your Courier, Cargo, Container, Shipment and Get Real time delivery status information instantly. TRACK BDP International Inc Contact Information :- Contact Phone number : 1-215-629-8900 Email Address: Not ...
申请人名称(英文)BDP INTERNATIONAL,INC. 申请地址(英文)510 WALNUT STREET,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19106,U.S.A. 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构北京市方达专商知识产权代理有限公司 商标流程信息 2010-07-05商标注册申请---打印注册证 2008-04-18商标注册申请---等待补正回文 2008-04-18商标注册申请---补正收文 ...
1 bdp international harrisburg united statesbuyer,they trade on 2023-02-25 13437 25.89% > 2 bdp asia pacific pte ltd. othersupplier,they trade on 2023-01-26 10082 19.42% > 3 bdp transport inc. guatemalasupplier,they trade on 2022-02-28 3342 6.44% > 4 bdp malasya sdn bhd united ...
transportation, and logistics solutions, has announced the launch of Risk Monitor, a new digital product designed to provide shippers and consignees with proactive risk monitoring and insight to prepare for and manage the challenges and potential disruptions in today's complex world of international ...
Manchester (UK)-based theBuilding Design Partnership (BDP)is an international interdisciplinary practice of architects, engineers, designers, and urbanists. BDP works closely with the users, clients and the community to create special places for living, working, shopping, culture, and learning across ...
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author...
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