Online banking nowadays makes your life easier than before. No need to personally go to the payment office of your biller to pay for your bills such as PLDT bills, SMART or GLOBE bills, SSS online payments and other utility bills. With a click of a mouse you can do any financial tran...
I tried reloading my enrolled mobile number, it was deducted from my account but it's been 3 days and I haven't received my load. Rosemari[Entry] hi mam/sir Good eve, i would like to ask why i cant enroll my prepaid globe or even my smart number? Always prompt upon enroll...
Which online money transfer is free with BDO online banking? It’s free if you transfer money from your BDO account to another BDO account which you have previously enrolled and have activated via a BDO atm machine using your atm card. You can enroll up to 20 BDO accounts. They can be ...