Try ICIS Discover the factors influencing butanediol (BDO) markets Multiple feedstocks can be used to manufacture butanediol (BDO), which is why upstream cost fluctuations have limited impact on this market. However, demand comes from multiple sectors because derivatives of BDO are used in a vast ...
《爱,死亡和机器人》第二季中的短片,一具来历不明的巨人遗体被冲上海滩。 A short film from the second season ofLove, Death and Robotsshows the remains of a giant of unknown origin washing up on a beach. BDO为什么令人着迷? BDO如此令人...
《爱,死亡和机器人》第二季中的短片,一具来历不明的巨人遗体被冲上海滩。 A short film from the second season of Love, Death and Robots shows the remains of a giant of unknown origin washing up on a beach. BDO为什么令人着迷? BDO如此令人着迷也许是源于人类内心对未知的恐惧与敬畏。 The fact th...