When Item Drop Rate +20% is added to an item with a drop rate of 1%, an additional 0.2% is added, increasing the overall drop rate to 1.2%. Usage effect:Item Drop Rate & Item Drop Amount +100% Buy price: -Sell price: -Repair price: -...
- The amount of tax you can collect by winning a Node War has changed. - The difference between the tax from each Node has been reduced. - The amount of tax for each node tier is as below: - Tax percentage means the ratio between the total tax and the node tax. Fixed...
- After : Turn in Pure Powder Reagent The amount of Energy required to investigate the surroundings during the quest “Investigating the Case” (new Mediah main quest) has changed to 0. The quest [Daily] To become Karlstein has moved from “Recommended” tab to ...
The amount of liquid discharged by centrifugal pump at unit time is called () A A, flow B, volume C, capacity 7, the hydraulic pump input power and output power () B, A, the same B, different 8. The liquid per unit volume has a density called liquid. A, A, quality, B, weight...
Required amount for PEN (V): x15Enhancement level won't drop below TRI (III) upon failure.※ Use Heating on an unenhanced piece of Tuvala gear x1 to get Time-filled Black Stone x2. - Enhancement Effect Extra Damage to All Species Up (from +6) Increase All AP - Durability 100 /...
Item Drop Rate +20% adalah efek di mana jika peluang mendapatkan item A adalah 1%, Item Drop Rate 0.2% akan ditambahkan sehingga Item Drop Rate untuk item A meningkat menjadi 1.2%. Usage effect:Item Drop Rate, Amount +100% Buy price: -Sell price: -Repair price: -...
- You can claim the item before Oct 5th 9:00. - Silver spent on Lanterns and Lantern Oils after the Aug 30th maintenance has been restored. Costumes that have expiration date cannot be extracted. - If you have extracted the costumes that have expiration date, ...
Required amount for PEN (V): x15Enhancement level won't drop below TRI (III) upon failure.※ Use Heating on an unenhanced piece of Tuvala gear x1 to get Time-filled Black Stone x2. Item Effect Extra AP Against Monsters +4 All Special Attack Extra Damage +10% Ignore All Resistance ...
Required amount for TET (IV): x15Required amount for PEN (V): x15Enhancement level won't drop below TRI (III) upon failure.※ Use Heating on an unenhanced piece of Tuvala gear x1 to get Time-filled Black Stone x2. Item Effect Extra AP Against Monsters +4 All Special Attack Extra ...