Your message was sent We value your comments and suggestions. Please fill-out the form completely and as accurately as possible. If you are reporting a lost or stolen card, please call immediately our Customer Hotline (+632) 8887-9188. ...
At home, I called the BDO hotline and reported the incident. The polite representative on the line told me it would take around five working days for the money to be credited back to my account. I asked how I would know when the funds were returned, and he explained that BDO would no...
4. Call BDO Customer Care Hotline And lastly, if visiting any BDO branch is not convenient for you, or if you are based outside of the Philippines, you may just call theBDO customer care hotlineto ask for assistance on the retrieval of your account number. BDO Contact Information Metro ...
If that wrong account name and account number does not exist in the other banks’ records, the other bank will reject your transfer. BDO will return your money to your account, in 1 to 2 days. The 50-peso fee will not be returned, kasi nag-transfer naman yong BDO, hindi lang tinangg...
Hi what's the phone number in pinas that I can call. Can't contact 8008631800 from my cp. I don't have landline. I want to enrol in online banking. Whenever I submit, an error occurs because I don't know the Marketing Referral Code. I live here in Barcelona, Spain. I asked peop...