And if you don’t want to play on the high level, and enjoy grinding, and hunting for rare item drops, then you will have to use pearl shop at some point. You see, Pearl Shop has many useful items that cost real money. It’s true that most items from the item shop can be ...
KnowledgeCategory: Rare Hunting Guide - Description:Llamas in Drieghan are very curious creatures, but also weary of people. The Star-loving Llama in particular is very cautious, and will stay hidden during the day only to emerge at night to climb to the mountain tops and marvel at the nigh...
I would start doing the round of the three spots where he can spawn every few hours and then I would do one last quick round after 4am (btw doing the rounds without a Arduanatt is hell so try to do it with one) and then quickly switch to another server (well assuming he hadn't ...
You can either gather meat yourself by hunting animals or buy it from the market. The guide says you can use any kind of meat. One of the ways to go about it is hunting foxes, weasels, or wolves near Velia. But if you don’t want to put much effort into it, you can always go ...