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ChemInform is a weekly ing Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform , please click on HTML or PDF.doi:10.1002/chin.200633200YukakoFac.SaitoFac.TomokazuFac.WatanabeFac.HirokiFac.TakahataFac....
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To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or PDF.Yukako SaitoFac. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Pharm. Univ., Aoba, Sendai 981, JapanTomokazu WatanabeFac. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Pharm. Univ., Aoba, Sendai 981, JapanHiroki Takahata
2 THE LAW, OCTOBERam conference point about 600 yards from the scene of the crime. The two stood chat- ting about a ease of Gut- teridge's until about half past three when they parted and each walked towards his home. No time was lost in "calling in the Yard." By...
Gram-positive bacteria markers comprise a varietyof proteins present on Gram-positive cells, and can aid in the study of function and behavior of this type of bacteria.van de Weteringvan Eijkvan GoldeHartung