RESULTS BDNF gene expression resulted to be significantly decreased in BD II subjects (0.53±0.11; Po0.05 Dunnett's post hoc test; ANOVA: P ¼ 0.0291; F ¼ 4.344) but not in BD I patients (1.13±0.19) compared with controls (1±0.2; Figure 2). An increase of DNA methylation at ...
New Zealand: English Influence and Legislative Specification ...22 E. South Africa: Between Common Law and Constitution ...24 F. Europe: A Human Rights Approach and No Privilege for In-House Counsel ...25 1. A Rights-Based Approach ......
深信服云计算业务案例介绍 极简,稳定,高性能 企业级云计算厂商 Huawei,$13.5 34.0% H3C,$17.1 11.6% Nutanix,$4.6 5.1% VMware,$2.0 3.3% 1.6%1.4% SANGFOR,$41.3 SmartX,$0.5 Others,$0.5 超融合中国区市场占有率(2015H1) 份额(%),销售额(百万美元) 22% 25% SANGFOR 19% 2% 2% 3% 3% 4% 4% ...