Now that you have installed BDDfy, write your first test (this test is borrowed from ATM sample that you can install using nuget package TestStack.BDDfy.Samples): [Story(AsA="As an Account Holder",IWant="I want to withdraw cash from an ATM",SoThat="So that I can get money when the...
V4 has a lot of goodness in it and we are very excited about it. This is the best thing that’s happened to BDD in .Net since BDDfy itself :) Go and update your BDDfy package to V4 and enjoy the new features.
To use BDDfy install TestStack.BDDfy nuget package:Install-Package TestStack.BDDfy This adds BDDfy assembly and its dependencies to your test project. If this is the first time you are using BDDfy you may want to check out the samples on NuGet. Just runInstall-Package TestStack.BDDfy.Samples...
BDDfy does not need a separate test runner. You can use your runner of choice. For example, if you like NUnit, then you may write your BDDfy tests using NUnit and run them using NUnit console or GUI runner, Resharper or TD.Net and regardless of the runner, you will get the same r...
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