(Black Desert Online) BD Database Community Sup, I created a tool based on the database API It is very simple. You can enter the element identifier or name to find the identifier / name of this element. You can also use bdocodex or bddatabase, but I thought that having a program th...
Get 24x7, 100% onshore support from dedicated DBA experts for all major database and OS platforms. See More No matter your DBA needs, DBSBD has an expert for that. Good DBAs are hard to find. Luckily, we have a lot of them. ...
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This bimodal database counts with 580 audiovisual annotated segments, with a duration of 28 minutes, divided in 41 classes. Bimodal databases are a tool in the generation of applications for the semantic web. 展开 关键词: Databases Multimedia Pattern recognition Video Visualization ...
1 把Access database2010软件安装包下载到本地文件夹,鼠标左键双击setup程序(安装环境在win7系统64版安装),如下图所示。2 接着,在Access database2010软件安装向导中,鼠标左键单击【下一步】按钮,如下图所示。3 然后,在Access database2010软件安装向导窗口上,选择好安装...
ssbd_schema.sql contient le schéma de la base SSBD et les contraintes d'intégrité associées. ssbd_data.sql contient les données de la base SSBD au sens strict. Ces données peuvent référencer des données EPSG via leur code d'identification mais ne contiennent aucune autre donnée ...
This two volume set LNCS 7238 and LNCS 7239 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2012, held in Busan, South Korea, in April 2012. The 44 revised full papers and 8 short papers presented together with 2 in...
personality database的指标大全personality database Personality database的指标可能包括多种类型,如心理测试的得分、性格特质的测量等。下面列举了一些可能的指标: 1.开放性(Openness):衡量个体对新的经历和想法的态度和倾向。 2.责任心(Conscientiousness):衡量个体是否具有组织、计划和目标导向的倾向。 3.外向性(...
The landscape of today's business is shaped by the mountains of data being produced, with rapid growth in the volume, variety, and velocity of data due to the explosion of smart devices, mobile applications, cloud computing, and social media. Much of this growth has been in unstructured data...