BD Pharmingen CD4 + T Cell Phenotyping Kits BD Biosciences 2350 Qume Drive San Jose, CA 95131 US Orders: 877.232.8995 answers@bd bdbiosciences Ordering In ormation Description Contents Size Cat. No. Human Th1/Th2/Th17 Phenotyping Kit
Accounts Receivable Clerk /Collections (离职员工) - San Diego, CA - 2014年9月24日 PharMingen was the most energetic environment that you can get in the BioScience industry. The people were very quick to lend a helping hand if you request. The atmosphere as every good for growth and developm...
Amount for staining: 20 µL per sample (for 5 x 10 5 to 1 x 10 6 cells) BD Pharmingen™ PE Mouse IgG 1 ,κ Isotype Control Clone: MOPC-21 Use: Used as an isotype control for PE hNanog Abbreviation: PE isotype control Quantity: 1 vial (1.0 mL)...
BD PE 标记CD24抗体 BD Pharmingen™ Technical Data Sheet PE Mouse Anti-Human CD24 Product Information Material Number:560991Alternate Name:Heat Stable Antigen Homologue (HSA); Ba-1; CD24A Size:25 tests Vol. per Test:20 µl Clone:ML5Isotype:Mouse IgG2a, κReactivity:QC Testing: Human ...
Accounts Receivable Clerk /Collections(离职员工)-San Diego, CA-2014年9月24日 PharMingen was the most energetic environment that you can get in the BioScience industry. The people were very quick to lend a helping hand if you request. The atmosphere as every good for growth and development. ...
BDPharmingen™IL-17Areagentsareavailableaspurifed antibodiesinready-to-useuorochrome-conjugated ormats. Also,theyareavailableasBD™CytometricBeadArray (CBA)assaystosupportresearchintheroleo Th17cellsin inammationandtheautoimmuneresponse.TheBDCBA
Accounts Receivable Clerk /Collections(离职员工)-San Diego, CA-2014年9月24日 PharMingen was the most energetic environment that you can get in the BioScience industry.The people were very quick to lend a helping hand if you request.The atmosphere as every good for growth and development. ...
高等教育 > 工学 > BD Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) Mouse Inflammation … 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 338阅读文档大小:455.44K32页vcjbrq17上传于2016-11-05格式:PDF Cytometric Bead Array(CBA)即微量样本多指标流式蛋白定量 热度: 流式CBA(Cytometric Beads Array)方法 ...