BD MicroFine优锐注射笔专用针为31G,有两种长度。长5mm是注射针长度极短的注射笔专用针。可以让大人小孩容易注射,并且不需要捏起皮肤注射;另一种为长8mm是长度为注射笔专用针中较细,也是BD使用量最大的注射笔专用针。使用前最好谘询专业医护人员。5mm--内盖及标签皆为紫色,可以简易与其他产品(不...
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& Hill, S. The Klebsiella pneumoniae cytochrome bd' terminal oxidase complex and its role in microaerobic nitrogen fixation. Microbiology 143 (Pt 8), 2673–2683 (1997). 8. Larsen, M. H., Kallipolitis, B. H., Christiansen, J. K., Olsen, J. E. & Ingmer, H. The response ...
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1. Fine Needle: The fine needle is made of stainless steel with good elasticity and a sharp tip to help insert it into the vein.2. Push rod: The push rod is used to control the depth of the thin needle so that it can be inserted into the vein.3. Sh...
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