(57)< Abstract > The local medicine prescription which includes the absorbent material which the medicine constituent which includes C alcoholic solution of the non steroid anti- inflammation medicine impregnation is done, the adhesive compound is not included. Suitably as for the non steroid anti- ...
电子病历系统(Electronic Medical Record)是医疗信息技术的一种重要应用,是指经过计算机和其他信息技术(例如网络和智能手机)处理的患者诊疗过程中发生的一系列关于临床诊疗的记录,以最大化患者和医疗机构之间信息交换和共享的效果。电子病历系统...
Non-medical use of prescription stimulants among US college students: prevalence and correlates from a national survey. ObjectivesThis study examined the prevalence rates and correlates of nonmedical use of prescription opioid analgesics among U.S. college students in terms ......
“运动处方(exercise prescription)”这一术语是20世纪50年代由美国生理学家 Peter Karpovich提出,世界卫生组织于1969年正式采用这一术语[22]。2018年第十版《ACSM运动测试与运动处方指南》[23]以运动频率(frequency, F)、运动强度(intensity, I)、运动时间(time, T)、运动...
37 Heat stroke is a medical emergency that demands immediatefrom qualified medical personnel. A. prescription B. palpation C. intervention D. interposition 38. Asbestos exposure results in Mesothelioma,asbestosis and internal organ cancers,andof these diseases is often decades after the initial exposure...
Medical Coverage:医疗保障 Healthcare Access:医疗服务获取 Primary Care Physicians:初级医疗服务提供者 Specialist Services:专科医疗服务 Outpatient Care:门诊医疗服务 Inpatient Care:住院医疗服务 Prescription Medications:处方药物 Preventive Care:预防保健 Emergency Medical Services (EMS):急救医疗服务 Healthcare Provid...
To further investigate use and potential misuse of prescription stimulants (e.g., Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta) among a sample of college students and to explore the relationship between psychological variables and nonmedical stimulant use. The sample consisted of 390 college students (71.6% female,...
Going to the hospital for medical treatment is a common occurrence in our daily lives. When we are sick or injured, we often need to seek medical attention from a hospital. In this essay, I will discuss the process of seeking medical treatment at a hospital in English. Firstly, when you...
Medical Vocabulary Word part of speech Meaning Example sentence This amount of weight abnormal not normal for the loss is abnormal for adj human body women your age. ache I can't sleep because my pain that won't go away noun/verb knees ache in the night. We knew the baby was acute qui...
DuringtheHanDynasty(202BCE-220CE),TCMundersignificantdevelopmentwiththeemergenceofnewmedicaltheoriesandpractices LateDynamicsandModernEra SubsequentdynamicscontributedtotheevolutionofTCM,sculptinginthemodernerawiththeintegrationoftraditionalpracticeswithcontemporarymedicalscience SignificanceofTCMinChineseSociety CulturalHeritage...