BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
A comprehensive suite of trusted products, integrated solutions, useful tools and a wealth of information to advance your flow cytometry applications. Companion Diagnostics Learn More Panel Design Learn More BD CellView™ Image Technology Learn More Single-Cell Multiomics Learn More Promotions...
BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.
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流式细胞术(flow cytometry,FCM)是利用流式细胞仪对生物颗粒包括细胞、血小板、微生物以及人工合成的微球等进行多种物理和生物学特性定量分析,并能对特定的细胞群加以分选的一种细胞参量分析技术。BD FACSAria流式细胞分选仪为流式细胞仪高速分选和多色分析技术设定了更新更高的标准。仪器的设计采用全新理念,极大地简...