1. Please refer to www.bdbiosciences.com/pharmingen/protocols for technical protocols. 2.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosi...
BD Biosciences bdbiosciences.com BD Matrigel ™ Basement Membrane Matrix is effective for the attachment and differentiation of both normal and transformed anchorage dependent epithelioid and other cell types. These include neurons,5,6 Sertoli cells,7 chick lens,8 and vascular endothelial cells,9 ...
BD TNF ELISA 说明书 555268
BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter User's Guide For Research Use Only 23-18120-03 3/2020 Becton, Dickinson and Company BD Biosciences 2350 Qume Drive San Jose, CA 95131 USA bdbiosciences.com ResearchApplications@bd.com BD Biosciences European Customer Support Tel +32.2.400.98.95 Fax +32.2.401.70....
BDMatrigel基底膜基质胶,5mL,不含LDEV产品说明书-.PDF,BD Biosciences - Discovery Labware For Research Use Only GUIDELINES FOR USE PRODUCT: BD Matrigel™ Basement Membrane Matrix, 5 mL vial CATALOG NUMBER: 356234 BACKGROUND: Basement membranes are thin ext
英国罗伯特戈登大学 The Robert Gordon University 学校简介 罗伯特⼽登⼤学⾃1750年创建伊始,罗伯特⼽登⼤学便在学术研究⼯作中不断提⾼⽔准、拓宽领域,现在已经发展成为苏格兰主要的⾼等院校之⼀。罗伯特⼽登⼤学(The Robert Gordon University)致⼒於职业教育,使此校在学⽣就业⽅⾯...
(s)" overseas-listed foreign shares in the share capital of our Company with nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which are to be subscribed for and traded in HK dollars and are to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange "HD Biosciences" HD Biosciences Inc., a company incorporated under the...
Sponsor / Collaborator Brii Biosciences Ltd. 100 Clinical Results associated with HBsAg Login to view more data 100 Translational Medicine associated with HBsAg Login to view more data 0 Patents (Medical) associated with HBsAg Login to view more data 21,161 Literatures (Medical) associated with HBsA...
BD Biosciences bdbiosciences.com BD Matrigel ™ Basement Membrane Matrix is effective for the attachment and differentiation of both normal and transformed anchorage dependent epithelioid and other cell types. These include neurons,5,6 Sertoli cells,7 chick lens,8 and vascular endothelial cells,9 ...