Bankinfobd - First Banking Information portal in Bangladesh. Know more about banking sector in Bangladesh and offering by banks. Also a good place for those who plans to build their career in banking sector.
0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: bankaccbas账户基本信息remcodevarcharsignflag bd_bankaccbas(银行账户基本信息表)序号字段名中文名数据类型是否主键可空1accattribute账户属性smallint是2accclass账户分类smallint是3accopendate开户日期char是4account账号varchar是5accountcode...
Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of Bangladesh and the apex regulatory body for the country’s monetary and financial system. It was established in Dhaka as a body corporate vide the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 (P.O. No. 127 of 1972) with effect from 16th December, 1971. Today, the ...
Find Bangladesh development bank limited bdbl SWIFT Codes of branches in Dhaka city from Bangladesh The following are the branches of Bangladesh development bank limited bdbl in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Select an individual Branch / SWIFT code to view details of the branch / SWIFT code. If you...
BIN检查BD PREMIER BANK, LTD.金融机构(8811417 null),信用卡,借记卡或费用,以Bangladesh 050,BDT卡BIN号码查找 服务
Bank INDIAN BANK(FORMERLY ALLAHABAD BANK) Adresse PURT MARKET, COURT ROAD Geldüberweisung Nutze Wise für günstigere SWIFT-Überweisungen. Nutze Wise für deine Überweisungen – das ist bis zu 6x günstiger SWIFT-Überweisungen müssen nicht teuer sein. Eröffne ein Wise-Konto und...
DBS BANK (HONG KONG) LIMITED 曾用名 3中国香港 2024-11更新 商业登记号码:00513603 企查查编码:QHKNRX6SKP 成立日期:1953-03-17 办事处地址:11/F THE CENTRE, 99 QUEEN'S RD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 2024-07-05 星展香港违反打击洗钱条例被罚1000万港元2024-07-05 6%高息诱惑,...
英文名Standard Chartered Bank (China) Co., Ltd. 营业场所北京市朝阳区东三环中路1号1幢1单元11层1101附近企业 经营范围在下列范围内经营部分或者全部外汇业务和人民币业务:吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理票据承兑与贴现;买卖政府债券、金融债券,买卖股票以外的其他外币有价证券;提供信用证服务及担保;...
BIN检查BD International Finance Investment And Commerce Bank Limted金融机构(null null null),信用卡,借记卡或费用,以Bangladesh 050,BDT卡BIN号码查找 服务
Bank: BRAC BANK LIMITED Full Swift Code: BRAKBDDHXXX BIC Code & Branch Code: BRAKBDDH XXX Branch: City: DHAKA Address: 1 GULSHAN AVENUE, GULSHAN 1 1212 DHAKA Country: BANGLADESHAvoid Hefty Fees: International wire transfer generally involves a fees both at sending and receiving end. In ...