目前,临床上有采用 “薄壁”设计的针头,在同等外径的情况下内径更大,在降低注射引起不适感的同时保证胰岛素的流速,更利于机体对胰岛素的吸收,* Frid A. New injection recommendations for patients with diabetes. Diabetes 13:47-53. Bain A, Graham A. How do patients dispose of syringes? Pract Diabetes ...
328418 - BD Insulin Syringes with the BD Ultra-Fine needle 8mm x 31G 1 mL/cc BD 328418 Ultra-Fine Needle is a 31-gauge, 8mm (5/16") syringe needle engineered to provide comfort, accuracy and ease in injecting. Reduces the risk of a painful injection in the muscle. Greater Efficacy:...
328438 - BD Insulin Syringes with the BD Ultra-Fine needle 8mm x 31G 3/10 mL/cc BD 328468 Ultra-Fine Needle is a 31-gauge, 8mm (3/10") syringe needle engineered to provide comfort, accuracy and ease in injecting. Reduces the risk of a painful injection in the muscle. Greater Effic...
BD针头指南介绍注射技术 上臂上臂侧面或者后侧部位;皮下组织较厚,导致肌肉注射的概率较低。腹部以肚脐为中心,半径2.5cm外的距离。越靠近腰部两侧(即使是肥胖患者),皮下组织的厚度也会变薄,因此容易导致肌肉注射。推荐的注射部位 臀部臀部上端外侧部位;即使是少儿患者还是身材偏瘦的患者,该部位的皮下组织仍然...
How do patients dispose of syringes? Pract Diabetes Int 1998; 15: 19-21. BD针头 指南介绍注射技术 胰岛素注射笔针头的废弃 胰岛素专用注射器的废弃 废弃针头或者注射器的最佳方法是,将注射器或注射笔针头(套上外针帽)放入专用废弃容器内再丢弃。如果没有专用废弃容器,也可使用加盖的硬壳容器。 BD针头 指南...
the patient in the sitting position at the L4-L5 interspace, using a 22-gauge needle. The anesthesiologist nurse prepared 3mL of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine for the anesthesiology resident. Upon injection of bupivacaine, the patient started ...
21 七,维护与故障处理 本章描述了维护工作与故障处理信息,包括: Routine Scheduled Maintenance Tasks 定期维护项目 Changing Septa 更换隔膜 Caring for Syringes 进样针维护 Adjusting the Laser Offset 调整激光偏移 Cleaning the Sample Transfer Line and Filter Assembly 清洁样品管路和过滤器 Maintaining the Gas ...
33、 needle versus a 29 gauge x 12.7mm needle in obese patients with diabetes mellitus. Clin Ther 2004;26:1663-78.11. Frid A, Lindn B. Where do lean diabetics inject their insulin? A study using computed tomography. BMJ 1986; 292:1638.关于进针角度的推荐:关于进针角度的推荐:使用较短(使...
BD针头 指南介绍-注射技术ppt课件 《中国糖尿病药物注射技术指南2011版》注射技术篇 1 注射技术是糖尿病注射治疗的三大关键因素之一 •注射技术:•注射部位的选择•注射部位的轮换•注射部位的检查和消毒•选择是否捏皮•选择进针角度•拔针时间•注射器材的废弃•关于针头重复使用的建议 注射药物 注射...
How do patients dispose of syringes? Pract Diabetes Int 1998; 15: 19-21.Chantelau E, Sch 23、iffers T, Schutze J, Hansen B. Effect of patient-selected intensive insulin therapy on quality of life. Patient Educ Couns 1997 Feb; 30(2): 167-73.Le Floch JP, Herbreteau C, Lange F, ...