BCX-1777是嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶抑制剂 Forodesine hydrochloride (BCX-1777) 是一种高效且特异性的嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶 (PNP) 抑制剂,通过提高 dGTP 水平来诱导慢性淋巴细胞白血病患者的白血病细胞凋亡。 MCE 的所有产品仅用作科学研究,我们不为任何个人用途提供产品和服务、、 BCX-1777的生物活性 体外 Forodesine(10-30...
T15337Forodesine呋咯地辛Immucillin-H|||BCX-1777 forodesine (bcx-1777) is an orally active and potent purine nucleoside phosphorylase (pnp) inhibitor, a new purine nucleoside analog, inhibitor of human lymphocyte proliferation, induces apoptosis in leukemic cells by increasing dgtp levels, and may...
Forodesine (BCX-1777 freebase)详情 评价(0) 货号:ajce50300 CAS:209799-67-7 别名:呋咯地辛; BCX-1777; Immucillin-H 分子式:C11H14N4O4 分子量:266.25 纯度:>98% 溶解度:PBS (pH 7.2): 5 mg/ml 储存:Store at -20°C 库存:现货
forodesine (bcx-1777 freebase) 209799-67-7 glpbio peptides,inhibitors, agonists www.glpbio.com product data sheet caution: producthasnot been fully validated medicalapplications. researchuse only. tel: (626) 353-8530 fax: (626) 353-8530 e-mail: tech@glpbio.com address: 10292 central ave. ...
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase inhibitor BCX-1777 (Immucillin-H)—a novel potent and orally active immunosuppressive agent Patients with purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiency present a selective T-cell immunodeficiency. Inhibitors of PNP are, therefore, of interest a... Shanta Bantia a,Patr...
BCX-1777产品被Cell 期刊引用 频繁的急性情绪反应(慢性应激)会增加患抑郁症和焦虑症的风险,还可能导致免疫,代谢和心血管系统疾病。近期,顶级周刊 Cell 上发表的文章《Stress-Induced Metabolic Disorder in Peripheral CD4+ T Cells Leads to Anxiety-like Behavior》表明,频繁应激通过扰乱外周 CD4+ T 细胞代谢导致...
最佳答案: MantaHaya 1777 Kino相机是一款集多功能与高性能于一体的摄影设备。它以其高质量的成像能力,满足了从专业摄影师到摄影爱好者的各类用户需求。该相机搭载了先进的... 更多关于umakmantahaya1777的功能的问题>> 百度知道 Mant...
BCX-1777产品被Cell 期刊引用 频繁的急性情绪反应(慢性应激)会增加患抑郁症和焦虑症的风险,还可能导致免疫,代谢和心血管系统疾病。近期,顶级周刊 Cell 上发表的文章《Stress-Induced Metabolic Disorder in Peripheral CD4+ T Cells Leads to Anxiety-like Behavior》表明,频繁应激通过扰乱外周 CD4+ T 细胞代谢导致...
产品名称:Forodesine呋咯地辛Immucillin-H|||BCX-1777 产品型号:T15337 产品产地:中国大陆 采购热度: 简介内容:Forodesine (BCX-1777) is an orally active and potent purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) inhibitor, a new purine nucleoside analog, inhibitor of human lymphocyte proliferation, induces apopt...
最佳答案: 最后,Manta Haya 1777 Kino还具备出色的连拍速度和快门响应时间。这使得相机能够捕捉到快速移动的物体或瞬间发生的场景,而不会错过任何精彩瞬间。此外,相机还支... 更多关于umakmantahaya1777的功能的问题>> 百度知道 Manta...