Business Connectivity Services认证支持的另一种方法是使用安全存储服务(Secure Store Services ,简称SSS)。安全存储服务(SSS)是SharePoint 2007中的单点登录(Single Sign On ,简称SSO)的升级换代。 SSS为我们提供了一个选择,可以将凭据存储在安全存储数据库(驻留于SharePoint服务器)中。然后,凭据以“用户到用户”或...
安全存储服务(SSS)是SharePoint 2007中的单点登录(Single Sign On ,简称SSO)的升级换代。 SSS为我们提供了一个选择,可以将凭据存储在安全存储数据库(驻留于SharePoint服务器)中。然后,凭据以“用户到用户”或“域组到用户”的方式进行映射。这样凭据就可以在SharePoint服务器上进行续签(renew)。 有关SSS 我们会单...
During synchronization, if it finds based on metadata that the BCS ECT is using Single Sign-On feature, it pops up the dialog for end user to provide credentails to connect to External System. It then stores the credentials in Credential Manager Secure Store and every time application need to...
7. For Windows Internet Explorer NTLM users who want true single-sign-on (allowing Internet Explorer to provide your credentials automatically when challenged), set the virtual URL to a hostname that is resolvable to the IP address of the ProxySG by the client machines. Dots (for example, ...
Hereby emphasis on the promotion of organic agriculture is made. To use the BCS-logo for a product, all single components of the same must be controlled and certified by BCS. The design for lettering must be approved by BCS before use. At the moment the use of the logo is without charg...
• SAP In ctive Excel supports single sign-on (SSO). The prerequisite for SSO is that a Secur work Communications (SNC) technology, such as SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On based on SECUDE technology, which uses Kerberos or NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication, is available for logon to ...
BCS标志的使用要求和有机产品标签的说明 BCS认证的有机产品包装或标签说明_201007 本文件用于指导获得BCS认证企业设计有机产品包装或标签,包括按照欧盟标准(EU)、美国标准(NOP)和日本(JAS)标准认证的有机产品包装或标签的设计。1.产品出口到欧盟 根据欧盟条例EC834/2007第19, 23,24条,和EC 889/2008第37至...
Hereby emphasis on the promotion of organic agriculture is made. To use the BCS-logo for a product, all single components of the same must be controlled and certified by BCS. The design for lettering must be approved by BCS before use. 在此,特别强调是:乙方必须遵守有机农业法规; 并保证...
2.1.452 Part 1 Section, doNotLeaveBackslashAlone (Display Backslash As Yen Sign) 2.1.453 Part 1 Section 17.16.1, Syntax 2.1.454 Part 1 Section 17.16.2, XML representation 2.1.455 Part 1 Section, Bookmarks 2.1.456 Part 1 Section, Operators 2.1.457...
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