此时申请人由于国内疫情原因,无法注册考试雅思,我们只能根据当前的分数算了下申请人的总体打分 ,在总分30分语言分数一分不要的情况下, 申请人分数为94分,而当月的抽选分数为80分(目前分数依然为超低的80分),所以我们果断为申请人注册BCPNP入池,入池仅8天后6月23日成功收到ITA(invitation to apply) 四: 省提名...
申请人需要先接到由BCPNP发出的省提名递交邀请信(Invitation To Apply)后才能联系授权会计机构进行资产评估。 请勿在获得ITA之前私自决定与授权会计机构进行联系。 申请人应在收到ITA后尽快与一家授权会计机构签署协议并完成个人净资产的核验工作。申请人需自行支付所有由于净资产认证而产生的所有相关费用。 申请人必须申...
These factors contribute to the overall score and increase the chances of receiving an invitation to apply for provincialnomination. The BCPNP scoring system aims to attract individuals who have the skills and experience that are in demand in the province. By giving higher scores to those with ...
For details on scores on each category, please visit our Invitations to Apply page. We have posted frequently asked questions on our website that contains answers to the impact of COVID-19 on BC PNP clients. For more information on the invitation and application process, please refer to the ...
The BC PNP also issued 12 invitations to apply to registrants from the Entrepreneur Immigration stream selection pool. Please refer to the Invitations to Apply page for a full breakdown of invitation numbers and minimum scores. Periodically, the BC PNP will issue invitations to apply for the high...
To ensure a smooth transition to the NOC 2021, and to make additional program changes, the Skills Immigration online registration system will be temporarily unavailable from Oct. 12, 2022 to Nov. 16, 2022. The last invitation to apply (ITA) under the current NOC system, NOC 2016, will be...
如果你已经收到了邀请信,那你需要先拒绝邀请(declining the invitation to apply),直到你的雇主恢复营业,你才可以重新递交申请; 如果你已经递交了申请,那么你需要向省提名办公室发邮件说明情况,省提名办公室将酌情处理你的申请; 无论你的申请在哪个阶段,你都可以随时撤回你的申请,如果你的申请尚未开始处理,申请费将...
申请人在获得BC省省提名之后,在EE快速通道的综合打分系统(CRS)中获得600分加分。CRS系统总分为1200分,多数申请者在获得600分加分后,将处于非常有利的优势。继而当联邦快速通道抽签时,很容易满足CRS最低抽取分数、获得邀请(Invitation To Apply, ITA),顺利申请永久居留权。
For details on scores on each category, please visit our Invitations to Apply page. We have posted frequently asked questions on our website that contains answers to the impact of COVID-19 on BC PNP clients. For more information on the invitation and application process, please refer to the...