server check results: *** INFO ***Your license is invalid. Please register to BigCloud Enterprise Linux(BC-Linux) to get the right license. You can use the command 'bclinux-license -g' to get the system UUID, then send to us to complete the registration. 2、相关信息 -- Yum源配置如...
单击“LICENSE INFORMATION”。 勾选“I accept the license agreement”,单击“Done”。单击“FINISH CONFIGURATION”。 进入OS登录界面。 OS默认从低内核3.10.0版本启动,请参考BC Linux 7.6安装完成后,重启操作系统默认进入低版本内核设置默认启动内核为4.19.25。
automake(GNUautomake)1.13.4Copyright(C)2013FreeSoftwareFoundation,Inc.LicenseGPLv2+:GNUGPLversion2or later<>Thisisfree software:you are free to change and redistribute it.ThereisNOWARRANTY,to the extent permitted by law.WrittenbyTomTromey<>andA...
# limitations under the License. [Unit] Description=containerd container runtime Documentation= [Service] ExecStartPre=-/sbin/modprobe overlay ExecStart=/usr/bin/containerd Type=notify Delegate=yes KillMode=process Restart=always RestartSec=5 ...
1、BCLinux卸载license模块 rpm -qa | grep license rpm -e --nodeps bclinux-license-manager-4.0-1.oe1.bclinux.x86_64 --noscripts yum clean all && yum makecach bash linux bc 原创 xwupiaomiao 2月前 17阅读 BCLinux 部署java # BCLinux 部署Java ## 介绍在 Linux 系统上部署 Java 环境...
1.单击“LICENSE INFORMATION”,进入许可协议界面,如图2-16所示。 勾选“我同意许可协议”后,单击“完成”返回初始设置界面。 图2-16许可协议界面 2.根据需求点击“网络和主机名”进行网络配置。 步骤9完成初始配置后,单击“完成配置”,进入OS登录界面,如图...
bzip2 [-cdfkqstvz123456789] [files] bunzip2 [-fksv] [files] bzcat [-s] [files] bzip2recover file bzip2 [-h|--help] [-L|--license] [-V|--version] 命令简介bzip2命令采用Burrows-Wheeler数据块排序文本压缩算法与Huffman编码压缩指定的文件。其压缩效果通常好于基于LZ77/LZ78算法的压缩工具,性能...
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # #
software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.[Unit]Description=containerd container runtimeDocum...
software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.[Unit]Description=containerd container runtimeDocum...