Tang, D. Liao, Bcl-XL small interfering RNA sen- sitizes cisplatin-resistant human lung adenocarcinoma cells, Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin. (Shanghai) 39 (2007) 344-350.Lei X, Huang Z, Zhong M, Zhu B, Tang S, Liao D (2007) Bcl-XL small inter- fering RNA sensitizes cisplatin-...
药物具有良好的安全性和耐受性。 3.亚盛Bcl-2/xL抑制剂早期临床结果积极。亚盛医药Bcl-2/Bcl-xL双靶点抑制剂APG-1252在ESMO2023年会上公布与奥希替尼联合治疗携EGFR突变的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的Ib期研究最新数据。在未接受...
348、d是bcl-xl抑制剂。在一些实施方案中,接头-药物基团-(l-d)包含下式: 349、其中:-*是至抗体的键;并且a、d和r如上所定义。在一些实施方案中,a是键或-oc(=o)-*;r是-ch3或-ch2ch2c(=o)oh。 350、在一些实施方案中,接头-药物基团-(l-d)包含下式化合物或由下式化合物形成: 351、其中: 352、...
6.除可以作为抗肿瘤治疗的靶点,bcl-xl抗凋亡蛋白还与免疫系统疾病有关,文献current allergy&asthma reports 2003,3,378-38;british journal of haematology 2000,110(3),584-90;blood 2000,95(4),1283-9和new england journal of medicine 2004,351(14),1409-1418公开了bcl-xl抗凋亡蛋白过度表达与免疫和自身...
所描述的第一种bh3模拟物是abt-737和abt-263,其靶向bcl-2、bcl-xl和bcl-w(park et al.,j.med.chem.2008nov13;51(21):6902-15;roberts et al.,j.clin.oncol.2012feb 10;30(5):488-96)。此后,bcl-2的选择性抑制剂(abt-199和s55746–souers et al.,nat med.2013feb;19(2):202-8;casara ...
询单议价,原装批发LTC4352CDD#PBF LTC4359CMS8#PBF 安装类型 LM6144BIMX、SN74S539N、LP2951CN、HE100(LE710043)、LM185BXH-1.2、SN5476J、SE125、SL5020、DSPIC30F2011-30ISO、FM207A-W、SRF0504-351Y、2SK1675、AT1454M-GRE、MPX4250D、AT24C02N-10SI-2.5、A3PE3000L-FG484M、SVD4N60D、BFG10X、30...
Down-regulation of Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL had a much weaker effect. Simultaneous knock-down of Bcl-xL and Mcl-1 strongly induced apoptosis, but simultaneous knock-down of Bcl-xL/Bcl-2 or Mcl-1/Bcl-2 had no additive effect. The apoptosis-inducing effect of simultaneous knock-down of Bcl-xL ...
Anti-apoptotic proteins, also known as pro-survival proteins, including BCL-2, BCLXL, BCLW, BCLB, MCL1, and BFL1 resist the apoptotic pathway [20]. The presence of the N-terminal BH4 domain defines the subset of survival proteins known as pro-survival proteins. In addition to their tradi...
The C-terminal domain of MCL-1L is 350 amino acids long and has sequence homology with BCL-2. A central hydrophobic helix (α5) is surrounded by a set of amphipathic helices, which pack tightly against it (α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, α7), where α3 and α4 are less den...