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1️⃣网申 2️⃣申请费$50: 信用卡在线支付。 3️⃣中英文盖章的大学官方成绩单和在读证明/毕业证学位证扫描件 4️⃣语言成绩单:需官方送分。 5️⃣个人简历 Resume/CV(1-2页) 6️⃣PS (Required for Energy Management program 7️⃣2封推荐信 (recommende...
具体专业信息可以查询学校官网: 最后,BCIT还与许多加拿大名校有着合作项目,在BCIT完成学历后,能转学至UBC等名校,获得bachelor文凭。 如果你高中的GPA不够名校要求,如果你的雅思达不到7, BCIT将会是你的跳板阶梯。
Applied and Natural Sciences. Apply to a Program. Register for a Course. Apply for a Program. Apply to a Program. Fees and Financial Aid. Get Your BCIT Card. Book a Study Room. Find Your PTS Classroom. Health and Dental Plans. Moving on from BCIT. School of Computing and Academic Studi...
When the building that housed the carpentry program was due for renovation, BCIT’s School of Construction and Environment worked with the campus planning and facilities teams to reduce energy use. In the past, when one piece of equipment was turned on, it triggered all the fans that extracted...
Monthly Sale Incentive Bonus Program Six social insurance and one housing fund Generalist paid time off Paid Volunteer Day per Year, allowing you to give back to your community Merchandise Discount in all brands Leadership Training and Development Opportunities for Career Advancement, promoting fro...
Monthly Sale Incentive Bonus Program Six social insurance and one housing fund Generalist paid time off Paid Volunteer Day per Year, allowing you to give back to your community Merchandise Discount in all brands Leadership Training and Development Opportunities for Career Advancement, promoting from...
Monthly Sale Incentive Bonus Program Six social insurance and one housing fund Generalist paid time off Paid Volunteer Day per Year, allowing you to give back to your community Merchandise Discount in all brands Leadership Training and Development Opportunities for Career Advancement, promoting fro...
Monthly Sale Incentive Bonus Program Six social insurance and one housing fund Generalist paid time off Paid Volunteer Day per Year, allowing you to give back to your community Merchandise Discount in all brands Leadership Training and Development Opportunities for Career Advancement, promoting from wit...
Successful completion of this program is the first step for leadership and will provide the foundational skills necessary for running a store and assist in building working relationships with the team. The program includes regular touch points and a 30, 60, and 90 day progress check-in with...