We are 16 years olds, we are going out into the world and creating a real hardware technology startup. At first we were all like, “Time to be Steve Jobs, let’s go build Apple, dropping out of school now....
Between jobs. 正值转职过渡期 「转职过渡期」除了用 transition period 表示,也可以用 between jobs 来表示。Between jobs 字面上翻作「在工作之间」,其意思就是指在上一份工作与下一份工作间的空档,也就和「转职过渡期」的意思相同。 I just quit my job, so I...
《上海市高校毕业生就业宝典》二维码 查询招聘信息,请登录上海公共就业招聘新平台(jobs.rsj.sh.gov.cn)、“乐业上海”微信公众号获取岗位信息、最新招聘会预告、特色就业服务活动预告。也可通过微信、支付宝、随申办APP扫描以下二维码进行线上找工...
In modelling the determinants of job-related well-being, we confirm several previously-studied hypotheses and present some new findings: downsizing, work re-organisation, decreased choice, and linking pay to organisational performance each reduce well-being; indicators of skills challenge in jobs have ...
Jobs ·Update The European Chamber website careers section contains job postings from more than 1,700 members all around China, including most of the biggest European corporations, growing SMEs and international organisations. ...
1. 若您是西部数码会员,请登西部数码官网,进入:管理中心->域名管理->已经到期,找到该域名,完成域名续费; 2. 若您的域名服务由西部数码代理商提供,请您联系您的代理商咨询续费事宜。 .top.com.cn.net.xyz 立即查询 注册.com域名仅需29元! 用.chat玩转ChatGPT ...
Use the -j option to limit the job number if the build jobs are running out of memory. If you attempt to run ninja and receive a message that reads g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus, then you have run out of memory. Using the -j option with an argument ...
媒体毫不吝啬溢美之词,将她成为“the Next Steve Jobs(下一个乔布斯)”、“the New Steve Jobs(乔布斯2.0)”、“Female Steve Jobs(女版乔布斯)”。 一场疯狂的造星运动拉开帷幕,大牌杂志封面排着队让她上; 电视节目访谈、高端...
As a service to the community of prospective employers and job candidates, Frontiers Jobs offers a multifunctional portal for the advertising of customised academic positions. Candidates can browse vacancies, apply to jobs on offer and upload a personal profile, viewable by potential employers. Addition...
Temporary-help jobs offer rapid entry into paid employment, but they are typically brief and it is unknown whether they foster longer term employment. We utilize the unique structure of Detroit's welfare-to-work program to identify the effect of temporary-help jobs on labor market advancement. ...