Each student is allowed to take or upload photos only once. Students who have already submitted photos should not repeat the process. Any discrepancies between graduation certificates, degree certificates, and the photos on the Study...
https://www.arts.ac.uk/study-at-ual/how-to-enrol/student-id-card-collection 请注意: 注册报道提醒邮件会提到以上材料提交截止日,如果不能在线上报道时及时提交不用过于担心,可以在抵达英国后通过portal尽快补齐以上材料比如BRP卡。 从2025年1月1日起,...
信息门户激活流程 Portal Activation (注册报到时已完成此步骤 Already finished when you finished registration) 国际教育学院报到注册后,请按照如下步骤激活信息门户。 Please activate the Portal system after your registration. Guildeline of inter...
(48) YIN Menghan, Undergraduate Student,School of Journalism and Communication, Minzu University of China (49) YUAN Guangfeng, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University;ResearchFellow, Asia-Pacific Development Research Center, Nanji...
2.Student tables need to complete a form to calculate table cost and profit. The form will be sent to you after we get your registration. 3.Students should keep all receipts related to product cost to be reimbursed. 4.Following...
The specific registration time will be notified on the official website. Eligibility 申请资格 1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康; 2. 语言要求 2.1 申请中文授课专业,近两年内的汉语水 平考试(HSK)成绩应达到以下标准: 以下情况可免 HSK: ·...
Graduate student supervision 大力支持博士和硕士研究生招生,优先保证研究生招生指标。 Priority will be given to building up research teams with world-class scholars, faculty teams and staff. 3 办公条件 Office 提供良好的科研办公环境及充足的空间。
Once you finished registration, you will have your own CHD email address, and you can activate by yourself. *Account:student number(you can set by yourself later)@chd.edu.cn *Original Password: CHD+last 6 digits of your passport num...
a:可以.如申请人为在校学生,须另外提交本人就读学校出具的在学证明.如被录取,9月份报到时需补交正式毕业证. yes. if the applicant is a student in school, attendance certificate must be submitted. if you are accepted, you will need to submit an official d...
2.Student tables need to complete a form to calculate table cost and profit. The form will be sent to you after we get your registration. 3.Students should keep all receipts related to product cost to be reimbursed. 4.Following...